Monday, November 30, 2009

Feeding the body and the soul

Things have been so hectic. And I'll be honest -- I'm glad to be getting back to my boring little rut.

The weekend was nice though. Thanksgiving dinner was small and quiet. My daughter and son-in-law and granddaughter, k, came over. We ate late afternoon and it was nice enough to sit on the back patio for a while after dinner. I'd cooked the giblets from the turkey for the cats that "live" in our backyard, and I cut them up and k and I put some out in a little saucer for them. I'd named the black and white kitten Zorro some months ago, but k renamed it (she? he?) Patch. So Patch it is. Daughter and family went home with a bag full of leftovers, and hubby and I went to bed with tummies full of pie. Life is good.

k came over again on Friday. We planted pansy seeds and watered everything else in the yard. We painted - I painted Patch and k painted an abstract, with some help from Grandpa. I must say I like hers better! It's currently displayed in La Galeria de Mi Cocina - aka up on my fridge.

k had a runny nose and I had a bit of a headache, so we decided midafternoon to climb into Grandma's bed and watch TV. I even let her take a little package of mini M&M's with her. She'd found them and wanted them during dinner on Thursday, but she didn't eat her food, so she didn't get her M&M's. Normally M&M's in the bed would be a big no-no, but I've learned over the years that it's wise to pick your battles. We both fell asleep and had a yummy nap. Yesterday I washed the blankets and spot cleaned the bedspread by hand to remove the little smudged chocolate fingerprints. Yes, life is good.


  1. Oh lovely!!! I adored this post, love both the paintings. So all set for 'our' birthday Saturday?! xx

  2. Sooooo sweet... And glad life is singing along sweet to you, Janet! Happy Days :o)((HUGS))

  3. You both did a beautiful job. Is is not wonderful to paint with the grandkids. Jeremy and I do it every time he comes over. It is so fun , Have a great weekend.

  4. that's the best gallery... the fridge door :)

  5. hey J, hope all is well, sending you some warm wishes...peace my friend :)


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