Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who Loves Ya Baby!

If you are reading this, I have an assignment for you.

It's not difficult. It won't take long. In fact, I'll even do it right along with you.

Take your hands off your keyboard. Wrap your arms around yourself and say, "(Your name), I love you! You are a beautiful person! And Janet loves you too!"

Have a great week!


  1. Very nice gentle reminder to be kind to ourselves...Thank you Janet! We love you too! :o)

  2. Oh, I'm not sure I can...I'm British and very proper. Oh go on then, I'll give it a little try because, ya know, I'm worth it ;-) xxx

  3. aww thanks for the hug Janet... right back at ya!

  4. I did it! And, my afternoon is going to go much better now! Oh, and just so you know, when you come to visit next, click the Awards & Other Gifts button...I linked your blog to mine! The story ran yesterday, but now you're there permanently as my link to goodness.

  5. thanks Tracy & Marinik! Spud - I knew you could do it!

    Holly, I actually did see your story yesterday, but I only had a few minutes to play cuz i had girls coming over to make full moon dreamboards. It was a lotta fun! and thank YOU very much!

  6. Well wasn't that fun? I think I'll try it on my husband next.

  7. We love you too, Janet! Here's a great big American hug topped with English cream tea, just for you!

  8. Hugs make a difference. Thanks.


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